Oh! Hello there big eyes!
Ok i haven't had a lot of inspiration the past couple of days, mostly since my son and i are suffering from severe thrush (an incredibly painful breastfeeding occurence and that's all i'm going to say about that), but a cup of coffee and a day of hardcore antibiotics under my belt has pepped me up! with that whine fest out of the way, i'd like to discuss the incredible ability of mothers to not loose their mind while pushed over the edge of insanity and into the depths of hysteria.
I have had a horrible time with nursing my son, and the past 3 months i have had a wide array of illnesses that i just have to laugh at, like pink eye. i think that mothers loose their brain cells during pregnancy in order for them to stop thinking critically which allows us to just be in the moment and laugh with our kids. it's a freeing feeling being able to wear a cheesey christmas sweater with teddy bears and bells on it and do the kick ball change down the aisles in Home Depot while yelling "DaDa". Or annoying the neighbors with our 12 ft inflatable santa next to the inflatable penguins on a "Yule Slide" that are adjacent to the snowman who is beside Snoopy sleeping on his dog house. we live for our kids and they keep us sane while they completely destroy our sanity.
i'm going to finish this off with some pictures of things i recently made.
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