I started classes last week and was really excited about making some sculptures and you know, getting down with my artsy self. Then my professor's replacement told us that we were required to go on a field trip to NYC for a day trip and our first assignment was a poster board collage. after reaching into some boxes and trying to figure out what was in them and building relationships with the people at the table with me, i felt kind of goofy and perhaps a little like i was at a retreat in freshman year of highschool. The only part of the evening i enjoyed was the banter with the professor's substitute and talking about our generation and it's return to the moral values of our grandparents. i digress. i was really upset that i was required to go on a day trip to NYC or loose 50 points towards my final grade and i emailed the professor who was in nyc peddling her wares and discussed my abhorrence of nyc and the love i have for baltimore and it's quirky galleries and fun artist collectives. Shouldn't we be integrating ourselves into the community in which we live? isn't it important for us to make connections and experience the real working artists that live right here in charm city? we could go to MICA on a field trip and experience real artwork and not need to go to NYC, catch my drift? anyways i was really all in a huff when i got home and decided to get my degree in cell and molecular biology. fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
sorry i was watching Herb and Dorothy.
anyways, i'm stoked about my genetics class! let's hope i can handle the workload!!!!
on to more exciting topics, like the new jewelry i bought!!!!
look at this little guy! his tail moves! he's so handsome. $9
for those who like to bowl, check out this awesome pin with rhinestones on the bowling pins!! $16.50
this little guy is about to have some tea. $13.95
i think this pin is gorgeous! $17.50
little pansy pin! $12.50
and now for some burp cloths that i made!
super cute, i know! $4.25 each or 2 for $7.25
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