Thursday, April 7, 2011


So, i have been on strike it seems from actually sitting down at the computer and typing anything. since i got a new smartphone i don't feel it necessary to sit on the archaic machine. i mean, it uses an ethernet cord to get onto the interweb... so 2004.

anywhoozle, I have been making some things here and there, and i believe i posted [pics of my new and exciting bows! well, i have more professional pictures to upload, mostly because i'm trying to get a line together! Bows, bibs, and um, well i can't tell you anymore. mostly because i'd have to kill you. for more information!


Each of these loverly bows have vintage buttons attatched to them! i search high and low for interesting and beautiful buttons to put on my fancy bows. once they are gone, they are gone- unless i come across some more at some point, but every bow is like a snowflake... you get the point.
more to come!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hot off the production line!!!

Ok so it's been a while since i have posted life has been particularly... funny in the last few weeks, i need to catch yous guys up. Before i forget, i'm going to post some pictures of the hair clips i just made.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Ok, so it has been a month or something ridiculous since i have blahhhhged, and wow... a lot has happened! I made a baby quilt for my freind Heather, with a cute matching onesie! that was a lot of fun. Let's see, in other events, i started to make myself a quilt. Im pretty excited about it!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Stop me if i'm wrong...

So as it turns out, i might not be all that good at Biology. hahaha... no i'm just kidding, i just feel like that girl that wasn't really invited to the party but she just kind of showed up by accident because her brother is throwing the party. you know, the awkward girl in the old man glasses with the christmas sweater? it's totally ok to express yourself as an art major, but it's a lot harder to make jokes when you're talking about genotypes and genetic markers. for instance, today in class i made a joke about the genotypes not being in order on the chromatid and how inconvenient that was, and then i thought "hey! i mean it's too bad you can't have 2 a's and 2 b's cus then you'd have ABBA, and then it's a party".

and then i felt the heat... the heat of humiliation... the uncomfortable heat that overwhelms you after you speak without thinking... in a lecture hall... filled with kids younger and more jersey than i will ever be.. kids with their fingers on the pulse of the mainstream... kids who actually understand what pwned means.

i'm going to pwn these patterns!!!

...psssh modern jargon...

some people forget about the t-shirt dress. i never have, i never will. it's amazing how something so old lady can be so fashionable in pretty much every generation since geez, since the dawn of civilization.... just google it.

i have to watch dexter and study for bio now. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Back to Biology

I started classes last week and was really excited about making some sculptures and you know, getting down with my artsy self. Then my professor's replacement told us that we were required to go on a field trip to NYC for a day trip and our first assignment was a poster board collage. after reaching into some boxes and trying to figure out what was in them and building relationships with the people at the table with me, i felt kind of goofy and perhaps a little like i was at a retreat in freshman year of highschool. The only part of the evening i enjoyed was the banter with the professor's substitute and talking about our generation and it's return to the moral values of our grandparents. i digress. i was really upset that i was required to go on a day trip to NYC or loose 50 points towards my final grade and i emailed the professor who was in nyc peddling her wares and discussed my abhorrence of nyc and the love i have for baltimore and it's quirky galleries and fun artist collectives. Shouldn't we be integrating ourselves into the community in which we live? isn't it important for us to make connections and experience the real working artists that live right here in charm city? we could go to MICA on a field trip and experience real artwork and not need to go to NYC, catch my drift? anyways i was really all in a huff when i got home and decided to get my degree in cell and molecular biology. fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

sorry i was watching Herb and Dorothy.

anyways, i'm stoked about my genetics class! let's hope i can handle the workload!!!!

on to more exciting topics, like the new jewelry i bought!!!!

 look at this little guy! his tail moves! he's so handsome. $9

 for those who like to bowl, check out this awesome pin with rhinestones on the bowling pins!! $16.50

 this little guy is about to have some tea. $13.95

 i think this pin is gorgeous! $17.50
 little pansy pin! $12.50

and now for some burp cloths that i made!
super cute, i know! $4.25 each or 2 for $7.25


Friday, January 21, 2011

That day in PA

i absolutely love this pin.

So, this little number is made from celluloid and rhinestones, tres chic!
the little acorn leaves sparkle and the rhinestones catch the light in such a dreamy janet leigh- pre psycho kinda way...

BULL!!!!! no really, it's a bull necklace.
this necklace sure would look nice with a sailor sweater and some leggings!

these earrings were hiding in a back corner of the antique mall we visited. i scoured every inch of that place for a good deal and well, this is one of them!
they are screw backs and have all of their stones.
these ridiculous earrings were a must have for me. for me, the gaudier the better. spruce up a casual jean and boyfriend t-shirt outfit with these suckers. at least no one will be staring at the hole in your pants. $9

 these bad boys are made in Germany and are so pretty! i really almost want to keep them for myself... $15

holy mackerel! these screwacks are adorable and affordable! $6

and that, my friends, is all i can handle today! holy bananas- it's 12.30am... let's not make these late night clandestine meetings so often, people might start to talk!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

New favorite!

This day was phenomenal! I had the morning free and i decided to stop at this local fabric shop on falls rd., called A Fabric Place. The staff was super friendly and incredibly helpful, plus it was a family owned shop... i loved it! They have a whole room full of wool fabric, i mean shelves of "made in italy" and "90% wool 10% cashmere" jams. There was another little room packed with buttons and the whole time i walked around i found something i really like and had to back away and stay on task.There was a ton of silk in great patterns. i've never worked with silk before but i am tempted after eyeing up their selection. anywaysi picked up a few yards of this and few yards of that! i'm going to have to take pictures tomorrow of the beauties i picked- right now i'm incredibly busy re-watching season 1 of Deadwood while sewing and pretending that it's only 7 pm and not 12.30 am.

in the mean time- let's take a gander at this leopard MRAAAAOOOOW!!!!

this necklace is awesome. i think teal spandex when i see this,, perhaps with a black bustier?

Bustier too much? how about this little number brought to you by wildhoneypievintage on etsy

xoxo i have more sewing to do!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

pretty pictures and vintage patterns

I just got the winter 2010 edition of OTTOBRE design and boy am i excited to get sewing! I have taken a break from my maniacal crafting and blogging and antiquing and child rearing obsession to take some time for myself to get off sugar, carbs, wheat, and most dairy. Let me tell you something... it's day 6 and i feel fantastic! believe me it has taken a lot of support from the love of my life and a lot of good vibes from the unicorns out there....

onto OTTOBRE design. let's talk about the ottobre blog that i now follow and great it is. they have fabric for sale and you can see and learn more about the patterns in their books. for example, i hope to start this little number this weekend- if all goes well!

look at that little girl in the mod collared dress!
M would look so fashionable while climbing into the pantry to get herself a treat...

The best thing about this magazine is you get 40 designs for boy girl and baby! they even have cloth diaper patterns which is secretly why i purchased the winter issue, and my goodness they are adorable!

so onto other pattern loves of mine. all of the patterns below are vintage and are available for purchase. please email me at for more information. please include the pattern number.

These ladies are on their way to a shady country club table where they will play Gin while drinking gin and discussing the latest family to join the club...


i must say i love the models on this pattern let's call the one in the pink "Genevieve" the one in the blue "Astrid" and the one in green "Eunice". As you can see Astrid and Eunice are good girls, always listen to their mother and return their books to the library on time, in fact they are librarians. Genevieve on the other hand is often late, usually does her make-up while driving the car and almost certainly misplaces her library books. The real question is, who do you think has more tattoos? I'd guess the sexy librarians Astrid and Eunice.


On this pattern, Vivian is seen in red after she confesses to her best friend and the bride that she is in fact pregnant with the groom's son. Meanwhile the bride, Elizabeth, is being consoled by Francis, Vivian's girlfriend. ZING! every pattern has a soap opera on it just waiting to happen.

That's it for today!

Friday, January 14, 2011

bits and pieces!

Oh! Hello there big eyes!

Ok i haven't had a lot of inspiration the past couple of days, mostly since my son and i are suffering from severe thrush (an incredibly painful breastfeeding occurence and that's all i'm going to say about that), but a cup of coffee and a day of hardcore antibiotics under my belt has pepped me up! with that whine fest out of the way, i'd like to discuss the incredible ability of mothers to not loose their mind while pushed over the edge of insanity and into the depths of hysteria.

I have had a horrible time with nursing my son, and the past 3 months i have had a wide array of illnesses that i just have to laugh at, like pink eye. i think that mothers loose their brain cells during pregnancy in order for them to stop thinking critically which allows us to just be in the moment and laugh with our kids. it's a freeing feeling being able to wear a cheesey christmas sweater with teddy bears and bells on it and do the kick ball change down the aisles in Home Depot while yelling "DaDa". Or annoying the neighbors with our 12 ft inflatable santa next to the inflatable penguins on a "Yule Slide" that are adjacent to the snowman who is beside Snoopy sleeping on his dog house. we live for our kids and they keep us sane while they completely destroy our sanity.

i'm going to finish this off with some pictures of things i recently made.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The downside of having a birthday in January is that there's always a chance of snow. one year there was a snow storm on my birthday. it doesn't make it easy for this social butterfly to get out and about on her big day! luckily i have my own fan club right here in my living room, scary cat included. but if i were going out this is what i would put on my lapel! honeslty, who doesn't want a dancing banana on their tweed jacket?

So i promised to post pictures of the things i make, and i sure will. don't have to ask me twice! well i'm pretty sure no one asked me once, but you know...

these are bibs that i made from old and really ugly hand towels. i thought that the towels needed a new life, so i steam washed them in my amazing frigidaire large capacity washer/ dryer and then cut them up! each bib is backed with soft and absorbent flannel and there is velcro at the neck for quick on and off. when M was little she hated bibs and would try to pull them off, so i always bought velcro closed bibs so she wouldn't flip.

And that's all for today! don't forget to check out my etsy-

P.S.!!!!! check out rabbit whisker vintage as well! they have some great clothes and vintage items to spice up you wardrobe!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Last day of 25, hello 26!

So it has been a long and productive day here at the compound! I took pictures, lots and lots of pictures of things recently aquired by me!

the day had a bit of a chaotic start as my dear daughter, let's call her "M", decided it would be a grand idea to poke her little brother, "A", with a knitting needle while i was on the phone with my aunt and uncle. it was no regular poke, nor was it a laughing matter at the time, but looking back on it, it truely was just another day in the life of the, let's call us the "Lightsaber" family. anyways, during M's "quiet time" (this usually consists of screaming and less than quiet tantrums) she started telling me about this scary cat that was in her room. i went along with it, agreeing that cats who sneak into kids' rooms and fly around were indeed scary. as it turns out, there was a scary cat in her room after all.

Scary Cat.

I then decided that the scary cat was indeed terrifying and HAD to use it in the blog/ on the website! It was fate!!!

An icon is born.

Now for the good stuff! here are some of my favorites finds from my etsy site,

XOXO!!!! more to come!